Charlie Lybecker
After spending a weekend in Lake Chelan, there was no doubt in Charlie and Lacey Lybecker’s minds that they had found a home for their new winery. Cairdeas Winery opened doors in 2014 on the north shore of the lake not far from the charming town of Manson. It was perplexities regarding New Zealand sauvignon blancs that got Charlie interested in wine in the first place. But his passion is for Rhone style wines, and that’s what Cairdeas offers to eager tasters. Be sure to put Cairdeas on your tasting itinerary next time you’re in Lake Chelan if you want a friendly, first-rate tasting experience.
It’s very common to encounter syrah wines that have been co-fermented with a small percentage of viognier to enhance color and aroma. In this interview you’ll learn the benefits of co-fermenting Rhone red varietals with a little roussanne. You’ll also hear about the benefits of whole grape cluster fermentation for red Rhone style wines. Cairdeas offers memorable wines and a great family endeavor in which even 4-year old Eugene and 2-year old Francis help out with amazing art for the artist series wines.
Listen to the Interview: